Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Oil Prices

Where is the American Spirit that I learned about in my history classes? The Boston Tea Party is one great example of how Americans refused to be taken advantage of. As I look to oil prices and the effect it is having on my family and the people around me, I can't help but wonder "Where is the American Spirit?" Don't get me wrong I am not saying that we need to dress up and storm some oil tankers and empty the contents into the ocean, but we seriously need to do something. For example Americans have become so complacent with the establishment that we can't even organize a "Don't buy gas on such and such day." I don't think such a tactic would work with the rising oil consumption in China and India; however at least it would make a statement to OPEC/"Big Oil." Another example on how oil companies are bleeding us (the American people) dry is how when the price of a barrel of oil goes up-the prices at the pump almost immediately go up. When the price of a barrel of oil goes down- the prices at the pump stay high for weeks.

I wonder how high prices will go before people say enough. I would have thought that $4.00 a gallon would have been the limit but no Americans are just complaining not doing anything. Sure we are driving less, but we are submitting to the high prices. I asked my brother how per gallon of gas that he would be comfortable paying and he immediately responded $3.00. This is where OPEC/"Big Oil" has "beaten" us into submission. I bet a lot of Americans would be happy to pay $3.00 a gallon, sad. So in answer to my question on where is the American Spirit? I sadly have to answer.......DEAD.


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