Friday, July 25, 2008



So when Obama first announced his candidacy I was interested in what he had to say. I am a registered republican but I have never voted the party line, anyway even a few weeks ago it would not have been unusual for me to say "I am pretty sure I am going to vote for Obama." However, in the last few days I have been disenfranchised. The last straw for me was Obama "campaigning" in Germany, he even went so far as to "admit" to the Germans, that "America has made mistakes," and that "[America] is not without its faults"
Obama not only bad mouthed America on foreign soil but he even compared himself to other Presidents saying that he was only one of three Americans to address the Germans in that manner and jested that he didn't look like the others. Obama is not the President and according to the most recent Gallop poll only leads McCain by 2 points. With a statistical error of plus or minus 2 that is essentially a tie. One would think that with such a small lead that campaigning at home would be more meaningful. Hopefully Americans will wake up and notice that Obama is not the messiah that the media is making him out to be.
With all this said I am not sold on McCain but at least he doesn't go to other countries and bad mouth America.

Thanks for listening to my rant,


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